IMPRINT - operated by:


reposée GmbH in Liqu.
Sternwartestraße 39/2
AT-1180 Vienna


Commercial Register Number: FN 471936z, HG Vienna
UID-Number: atu72258139

Nature of Business: Services as online portal. Services in automated data processing and information technology.

Content Guideline of reposée: Information about the services of the company in the area of leisure properties as well as promotion of sales in this area.


Online-Dispute Resolution:


Please note: we do not have any further details about the property and don´t offer any kind of brokerage service or brokerage consulting on our platform, nor do we offer property in the name of the property owners or in our name.

Any property related question needs to be addressed directly to the respective owner, or the person, who has added the property on this platform.